During the years I have been a believer, I have heard the phrase “Don’t Judge”. So many members of the professing Christian world has uttered this on a number of occasions. They do not want anyone confronting them about their sin.

What does the Bible actually say concerning this topic?

Matthew 7:1–“Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Let’s look at what the Lord Jesus Christ said about “judging”:

John 7:24. “Judge not according to appearance, but judge RIGHTEOUS judgment”

The context is clear. The Lord did not say NOT to judge at all, but not to judge hypocritically, or judge righteously, according to scripture. The postmodern Christian world does not like this. In fact, it is used as a premise for their unrighteous lifestyle and strange belief systems. No one wants to be held accountable for anything. We are living in an age where Aleister Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt” mantra reigns supreme. There are no absolutes. Right and wrong are subjective to each individual’s perspective. This goes totally against what the Bible says. God deals in absolutes. It is either heaven or hell. Either you are saved or you are not. Jesus said, you cannot serve TWO masters. Either you will LOVE the one and hate the other. Elijah, the Prophet said. “Why halt ye between two opinions? If God be God, serve Him, but if Baal be Baal, serve him?” 1st Kings 18:21. (Paraphrase mine).

We need to make a choice on who we will serve. We cannot straddle the fence. There is only one way that leads to life. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me.”

Jesus is the Way!


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