I came across this YouTube video 5 types of people you can’t help, and it stopped me in my tracks. As a person who often tries my best to give sound advice and help whenever I can, it was a bit jarring to see that some people just can’t be helped. I really didn’t want to believe it, so I listened to find out where he was going.

I’m glad I did.

Dharius Daniels is the founder and Lead Pastor of Change Church with locations in Orlando, and Los Angeles. This particular sermon was part of his rejection series—because someone declining your help through inaction or lack of appreciation, is actually rejection.

“It’s a unique type of hurt,” Daniels said, “When you watch someone not living up to their true potential.”

His suggestion was simple: Before you can do anything, first people need to be open to receiving your help and guidance. If they are not, your frustration will inevitably lead to bitterness, or worse, prevent you from helping others in the future. As believers with God’s work to do, we just can’t have that.

The answer is not to give up on them, but to give them UP to the Lord. Some problems can’t be solved by you alone. Some problems require the careful hand of our Creator to handle. As hard as it is to say, sometimes we literally must step aside and just pray for supernatural intervention in the background.

Listen to this powerful sermon below. Let us know what you think. Have you had “to let go and let God” for someone you know?

For more important information, please watch and save our “PAY ATTENTION” playlist. Also, subscribe to the Aknowingspirit YouTube Channel.

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